This introduction course prepares candidates who are seeking to become volunteer Chaplains with the opportunity to be an effective member of the Chaplain community by educating and training candidates in the core foundational knowledge and skills of Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care. Upon completion of this course the Chaplain candidate will be able to identify the specific needs of the client and assist in developing a plan that will aid the client in getting the support/help they need to overcome their crisis.
USCO Course
Summary of Chaplain’s Qualification Course
Course Outline
Pre-Course – Introduction and Orientation
- Vision, Mission and Statement of Faith
- Chaplains Creed
- Rules and Regulations
- Home Assignments
Lesson 1 – Characteristics and Attributes of God
- The Person of God
- The Major Attributes
Lesson 2 – What is a Chaplain
- History and Definition
- Responsibility of the Chaplain
Lesson 3 – History of the Church and Protestantism
- The History of Christianity
- The Protestant Reformation
- The Constitution of the United States
Lesson 4 – Important Aspects of Visiting a Patient
- Visiting a Patient
- Patient Care Hospitality
Lesson 5 – The Chaplain in the Correctional Facility
- Correctional Facilities
- Rules and Regulations of Correctional Institutions
Lesson 6 – The Role of a Chaplain in Abuse Situations
- Who are the Victims?
- Characteristics of an Abuser
- How can a Chaplain Help?
- Safety Plans
Lesson 7 – The Funeral Service and Bereavement
- Pastoral Etiquette
- Helping the Family Deal with the Bereavement
- Suggested Order of Service
- Better Eulogies
- Information Form
Lesson 8 – The Urban Chaplain
- The Roots of Modernism
- Postmodernism
- Must’s for the Urban Chaplain
Lesson 9 – The Chaplain as a Counselor
- The Role of Spiritual Healing
- Crisis Intervention
Culmination of Course
- Final Exam
- Internship
Course Material
USCO Student Manual (PDF/Hard Copy)
Recommended Readings
- A Christian Theology of Chaplaincy
- Author: John Caperon
- Outside the Gates
- Author: Robert Crick
- Ministry of Presence
- Author: Whit Woodard
Course Duration
This course consists of 36 hours of training over a12 week period (3 hours/ 1 day a week) in addition to a 6-hour field internship.
Available On-going Trainings for USCO Chaplains
- Counseling Basics
- Mental Health First Aid
- Suicide Awareness
- Biblical Counseling
- Crisis Intervention
- Trauma/ Grief and Loss
- Disaster Relief
Recommended Continuing Education Opportunities from Accredited Sources
- American Association of Christian Counselors
- Light University
Upon Completion you will Receive
- Certificate of Completion
- USCO ID & Badge
- USCO Windbreaker Jacket & Cap
*USCO Chaplaincy is sanctioned and recognized by the United States Supreme Court